Tuesday 25 June 2024


WHO is in control of UMNO today? Is it's party president Zahid Hamidi, or a group of political mavericks supposedly aligned to the hugely popular jailed former Prime Minister Najib Razak.

THE question has lost its urgency somewhat because come August 2024, PAS will be making one of the biggest political leap in the history of Malaysia.

JUNE 25th to August 31 2024, is some 67 days apart, which is what those not happy with Anwar Ibrahim have in the tank to stop the Prime Minister from assuming the role of an apex predator.

ZAHID Hamidi's commitment to Anwar Ibrahim at a personal level is firm, but then again the Deputy Prime Minister is not in the pink of health.

AS Foreign Minister Mohamad Hasan, is definitely well aware if he cannot in good conscious support a Government endorsed deal with a foreign entity, ;  he has no other option other than tender his resignation to the Prime Minister with IMMEDIATE EFFECT.