Monday 10 June 2024

Kuala Lumpur to Sri Lanka ; Are You Mad?

YOU  see the gentleman in the photo below, he is the president of Sri Lanka, who soon is going to have a slight problem, which is actually not his own doing, but some paper pusher's oversight.

SO what is his embarrassing problem? Well you see, the problem is how do you explain to the Singhalese people who pride themselves as having pride, READ : that you accidentally shortlisted MMAG Aviation Consortium Group Sdn Bhd  to save your rat infested national airline.

SO what's the problem in accidentally shortlisting Victor Chin Boon Long's MMAG with lucrative tax breaks and a wipe out of the carrier's debts.

WELL, the problem is MMAG, can't save it's own bottomline, even if it's life depended on it, suffering a net income loss of RM111 million for the quarter ended March 2024, while net margin is on the negative side.

AND if you think that's a problem, we'll now the Sri Lankan's need to watch READ : this court case very carefully, because it could dent their national pride, as word on the street is MMAG will be making a guest appearance.