Tuesday 18 June 2024

The Pirates Of Bursa Malaysia : The Mysterious Seller of MMAG Bhd @ 30 Sen.

STRAPPED for cash , despite a RM50 million line from Hwang DBS, Malaysia's infamously notorious Corporate Mafia is standing on its last remaining toes.

FROM a complete break down of Revenue Group's infrastructure, which led to its system only managing to confirm Touch N Go payments, and no other form of online transactions early this month, money has definitely become too tight to even mention.

HOWEVER, unlike previous pump operations, there has not been a hasty DUMP exercise, but instead the clever Pirate of Bursa Malaysia, have chosen to slowly ease of the MMAG shares to gullible retail investors,  who have falsely mistaken the price stability, as a signal that something good is about to happen.

FAT chance of good news in the offing because for weeks now sell trades on MMAG shares has been well over 90 per cent, with today as at mid day, the buy trades only accounting for a mere four per cent of the total trades.

SO who is behind this develish plan? I am not privy to disclose but according to forum users at i3investor the said individual is known as GORENG KING VICTOR CHIN.