Sunday 9 June 2024

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia : Welcome to the pleasure dome

YES,  it took me too by surprise, that after welcoming Kamari Zaman Juhari of Quantum Metal and Revenue Group fame READ : To the pleasure dome, things would be moving at such a deadly pace.

BUT then again, by using the when it rains, it pours theory, I shouldn't feel one bit surprised that the Corporate Mafia has come down with a massive case of being bewitched.

IT all started with the court case READ : that left red faces all over the court house, followed by WINK WINK WINK,  Revenue Group's entire system going down , only be able to accept Touch N Go  transactions on the very SAME day 

AND if you thought, it can't get any worse,  well it actually did as word got out in Tik Tok that READ : The law is looking for Kamari Zaman Juhari's boss

CAN things get any worse? Hmmm actually they can but more importantly what am I doing this morning?

WELL , I am trying to make sense on how the lyrics of somebody's watching you can easily apply to a guy with ten body guards.