Monday 3 June 2024

The Quantum Question To Bank Negara

I was supposed to tackle this matter much earlier, then today but due to the emergence of a flying cockroach in my bedroom, my focus was swayed.

BACK to the matter at hand. After more than six months of not being able to open a bank account in Australia, due to regulatory pressure from the Australian Central Bank, READ : Quantum Metal has finally managed to open a US Dollar bank account with the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA in Australia).

QUANTUM Metal now says it will start transferring money from Malaysia to Besra Gold, a company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange.

MY question to the Central Bank of Malaysia,  two of your Shariah licensed auditor's have failed to locate, the 31 tonnes of gold which Quantum Metal says it owns.

QUANTUM Metal accounts, have been qualified due to this matter, and worst still depositors haven't received their money as promised by Quantum Metal.

AS  such, Bank Negara Malaysia, can you in good conscious allow the transfer of money held by Quantum Metal or its agents.  Why haven't you frozen their accounts in order to protect the mostly B40 Muslim investors?