Saturday 11 February 2023

Ahmad Mazlan: Kepala PUNDAK ...

is a single from Adel Dior and Daffa. It is a song known to many children, and a few adults and full title of the song is Kepala PUNDAK lutut kaki.

ALL, hail Ahmad Mazlan and the Finance Ministry under Anwar Ibrahim, as they show the world that they do not know simple maths or even how to count. READ :It is only possible to get a percentage yield greater than 100 percent if the product is contaminated with impurities.

AND mind you, Anwar Ibrahim have six unpaid advisors including Nurul Izzah to advise, help and guide him.  Perhaps this is why one should never stinge 
on getting good advise.

Kepala, pundak, lutut, kaki, lutut, kaki
Kepala, pundak, lutut, kaki, lutut, kaki
Mata, telinga, mulut, hidung, dan pipi
Kepala, pundak, lutut, kaki, lutut, kaki
Kepala, pundak, lutut, kaki, lutut, kaki

HOW is this possible , Anwar Ibrahim, for 44 per cent of the contributors to earn less than RM2000, but at the same time 81 per cent of the contributors to earn RM5000?  So in total we have 44 per cent plus 81 per cent for a grand total of 125 per cent, when any per centage above 100 per cent purity, can only be achieved if your data is contaminated 

DID you idiots, use this type of contaminated data to reject the EPF one of approval? Of course you did, as the proof is already in the pudding. So called best finance minister, my foot..simple maths pun tak tahu.