Monday 16 May 2022

MySejahtera In The Mix : We The People

is  a song released this year by the versatile rappercountry singer Kid Rock.  The song is the lead single from Kid Rock's  latest album BAD  REPUTATIONS.

NO matter  how much one  tries to blow MySejahtera's  horn,  it won't take a  genius to make this deduction ;  THAT  WE THE PEOPLE DISLIKE THE APP.

KHAIRY JAMALUDDIN, see how much  of  the dislike for App,  will translate to a  dislike for you and  your politics  of going against the wishes of WE THE PEOPLE.  READ : A SLAP On the face for Khairy Jamaluddin, as Malaysian shun MySejahtera with mandatory scans down by 97 per cent.

yeah, you
We the people (ooh, yeah)
We the people
Inflation's up, like the minimum wage
So it's all the same, it ain't a damn thing changed

THINGS ,  seems to be getting from  bad to worse  for Khairy Jamaluddin,   as Code Blue  READ : Mysejahtera infectious disease tracker is a sad tell of waste of time and waste of money.