Wednesday 25 May 2022

Wee Ka Siong : Selamba Aje Macam Sardin (Okey)

is a track taken from  the Samurai album released in 1998 by XPDC,  the biggest rock band by sales in Malaysia,  at that point of time.

WEE Ka Siong seems to have changed his tune. READ : Wee: E-hailing licences can be revoked if price infringements found.

CAN  Wee Ka Siong do it again?  BERIKAN rakyat halwa untuk telinga  ie to give  working class Malaysia ,  what they want to hear and then absolutely  FAIL THEM.

Kau sendirilah mau ingat
Muka kau macam musibat.. hey
Kau punya cakap tak serupa bikin
Selamba aje macam sardin
Macam tak salah tak ada apa
kira dah ok....

DID  working class Malaysia get their money back or did we all get  a forced haircut by AirAsia,  while Wee Ka Siong's  Mavcom took us all for fools.

CONSIDER  this around the same time Mavcom,  was taking big  that it will take action,  hence be a hero,  one of Malaysia's  top legal firms Skrine  had this to say.
