Tuesday 14 May 2024

MMAG, who is your daddy?

IF you go to the i3investor chat forum, you would notice that a certain name ; Goreng King Victor Chin seems to be trending, with regards to the share movement of MMAG Bhd .

DO i know the identity of this so called Goreng King Victor Chin ? I absolutely have no idea, who it is, but perhaps the Securities Commission and Bursa Malaysia might know a bit more on who is this so called GORENG KING VICTOR CHIN.

SO what do I know then?  Well I do  know that on May 13 2024, some 1630,783 MMAG shares were traded, and on the following day 841,069 MMAG shares were traded.

AS at about 11.27 am today only 290,245 MMAG shares were traded, which means a large number of shares have yet to come out,  and if they are contra shares, then they only have a maximum life span of between 24 hours and 48 hours before, retail investors Yam Seng or get slaughtered in a blood bath.