Thursday 30 June 2022

Maxis, U Mobile, Digi & Celcom : Salam kalah!!!

is  a song from Tuju, who currently is among the nation's  top rap/, hip hop artist.   The Sabahan is is a key member of the hip hop group K Clique .

WITH their pride dented,  ego bruised, Maxis,  U Mobile, Celcom and  DiGi  have agreed  to join the  Digital Nasional 5G  revolution. READ : 6 major telcos on board for 5G rollout, says Annuar.

Salam kalah
Angkat balik
Pejam salah
Toleh balik
Dulu ludah
Jilat balik
Tangkap balik
Angkat balik

ANNUAR Musa,  by making the announcement,  will likely get all the headlines tomorrow  but they man who showed the telcos ,  who is the BOSS and forced them  to eat crow,  is Mr Digital Nasional himself,  the Finance MinisterTengku Zafrul.