Thursday 22 July 2021

David Rockefeller's Club of Rome. We didn't start the fire

was a smash hit for Billy Joel in 1989,  is also the Rolling Stone magazine's early pick to be the anthem of Covid 19 once the dust settles down

In 1972,  the club of Rome which  has about 100 members now,   commisioned the Massachusetts  Institute  of Technology,  using artificial intelligence techniques to plot what the world would look like in the future.

The result was the birth of an economic  theory, in the self titled  book THE LIMITS OF GROWTH The book was dismissed and laughed ,at  though  it eventually sold more than 8 million copies.

The Limits of Growth  today has its place in the annals of history as the single most important document of the 20th century to challenge the growthist creed. 

What fascinated me about the book was the call on
 global population flattening  around 2020, against the  current norm that such a leveling would  take place at around 2050.

Also, that by 2040, the global  population's living standards will drop back to the standards of the 1990's.

On July 15 this year, the Club of Rome sent out a tweet, the LIMITS OF GROWTH was not only right literally, but theoretically too the 1972 module used,  now has basis to stand tall on its own.

If you are too lazy to read the book itself, here are a few links over the years as well as a link on the only Malaysian found to be worthy by David Rockefeller's Club of Rome to call its own. No it is not Tengku Zafrul, Tony Pua or Khairy Jamaluddin. 

It is a man, 99 per cent of Malaysians have never heard off, but one who is held in the highest esteem in Beijing and Singapore. READ :