Friday 23 December 2022

Steven Sim : Muchachos, we can dream again

the song is vibrating across Argentina currently, being the theme song of the their football world cup team this year.

MUCHACHOS which means friends or guys. So to all Malaysian muchachos , we can dream again about having the same type of nightmare that we have been having all along for the next five years.

I will never forget.
I can't explain it to you,
Because you won't understand,
The finals we lost, how many years I cried for them.
But that's over....

STEVEN Sim the very likeable deputy finance minister is the latest post Sheraton move, Pakatan Harapan politician who is finding out how governing is a different ball game then criticizing. READ : Join forces with authorities to bust scams, Steven Sim urges Bank Negara.

HELLO, Steven Sim thank you very much for the 24 hour hotline, but we need deeper legislation and not suggestions that will force financial institutions to return money of depositors who have been scammed.

ALSO, I suggest you join Edisi Siasat 's Telegram group, because damning allegations have been made there that there are people in authority who are working with this syndicates.  Names have been mentioned there, so do the needful.